The Lost Village, Las Alpujarras, Sierra Nevada, Spain.






A rare site in most of the UK, however an eerily common occurrence over the rest of Europe and indeed the world – this is a lost village of the Alpujarras, as villages and sometimes even towns become entirely derelict, mostly due to the industries which they were grown upon becoming obsolete with new technologies and the increase of the global market becoming centralised in clear zones, or cities.

This village/town used to house the workers from the energy factory up the road however this looks largely closed down now, perhaps a computer is able to do the same job that this small community of people used to.

Not only were there around 10-20 houses left to the natural elements, but also a clear community kitchen area, playground and most impressively, a church; which had been used by an artist to create a large baby mural – there was something quite unnervingly beautiful about this village, now forever lost in the rubble…